Chairman’s Message

Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakatuh
Al Noori Muslim School continues to provide our students with state-of-the-art schooling facilities, a first class education and an environment conducive to learning. This environment enables our students to become confident, independent and successful members of our community.
The value and development of strong relationships between our staff, parents and the community as a whole is one we are proud of, as demonstrated by our strong growth and accomplishments thus far.
The school continues to grow from strength to strength.
Al Noori Muslim School continues to provide its students with the opportunity to partake in many extra-curricular activities and fundraising events throughout each academic year. A special mention to our Student Representative Council for their extensive efforts in organising school events and fundraisers. A special thank you to the Al Noori Muslim School Board of Directors, Principal, staff, students and parents. I welcome them to continue along our journey on the road towards excellence and success.
Wasalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatu Allah Wabarakatuh
Mr Fawaz Sankari
Chairman of the Board of Directors